Getting technical, how does body type effect downhill?

  • So, I know bigger weight people gotta ride a gripper setup to attempt the same line as lighter people, but what else effects a setup, as well as riding style beyond preferance?

  • i believe body type really does affect riding styles and preferences 

    i can imagine how going from tuck to preparing for a standup slide be a little more unstable for someone more taller than someone shorter , from range of motion and wind

    i also think how hard it is to reach the ground to do glovedowns if you have shorter arms and it being easier with longer arms

    what do you think?

  • Interesting thread. I'm 6'4. Need puck risers and have a better time on a drop deck than a top mount. Also sliding with a torque bloque kinda hurts my leg because of the angle. Yoga has helped with a lot of stuff but certain things I just haven't been able to crack like switch toes and a fast tuck.

  • If flexibility is a part of body type, then that definitely massively affects things. I think that especially around the back ankle, choosing to lay the ankle flat against the board on heelsides, and choosing to monkey heel/toe on slides also is likely a choice due to flexibility.

  • All i know is when i'm over 85kg standies practically initiate themselves.

    Going tuck to drift only really becomes a problem when your legs are to weak to balance while squatting.

    Generally being taller gives you more range to make and balance mistakes. If you plan on crashing it's best to be small and light.

  • Most multi time world champions are over 6 feet tall and rather skinny guys.  
    Thiago Gomes, Kevin Reimer, Micha Irvine to name just 3 examples.

    I think tall guys who have longer arms have an easier time staying in their tuck through more turns.  

    Long flat torsos/backs are more aerodynamic. long necks allow tall guys to stretch their chin below their knee. Long arms let guys put a hand down without stretching or breaking tuck. 

    Short skaters get the advantage of more body control in street, park and tech slide. 

    body weight/muscle mass isn't as important as flexibility and being light on your feet. 
    heavy guys may be faster in a straight line, but the lack of agility through corners seems to keep their straight line speed advantage very manageable. 

    also lighter guys have more grip, and receive a greater slipstream effect on a draft.  Lighter guys accelerate quicker and can put the breaks on faster. 

    the perfect body type for racing seems to be 6,2 and 165-175 pounds.

  • @Matt Needs Wheels I'll be honest I'm kinda fast myself at 5 foot 6 and 170lbs but there be some skinny and taller folks that are blessed by the lord skatan. They always fly by me. It is a gravity sport but aerodynamics play a decent roll in things. I hear wide shoulders up top and skinnier body helps with aerodynamics. I'm not entirely too knowledgeable on this subject

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