EZ Hawgs


    EZ Hawgs at Salmon Beach Drive

    Almost Cored Review:

    I picked up some new EZ Hawgs from @thriftskate_dot_com but Andrew said I should try to core the orange ones first because I was so close. But after 4 hours, they are holding up. It’s kinda cool that they are still fun this close to the core; you can literally see it. They are still very icy, and surprisingly fast at this size. They do have a more aggressive hook up now that they are square lipped, but the kick out is still smooth and easy. Still very resistant to flat spots and ovals I think. I flat spot a lot of wheels. They are the best value in wheels right now, $28.99 because they are so durable, and fun all the way to the core. I’m going to stock up.

  • @Dan Robinson Hmmm what are you comparing them to when you say they are durable? I remember them being pretty middle of the road on wear. 

  • I've only skated these a little, but I would say that the wear is about halfway between powells  <-> thaners on the wheel wear spectrum. For $30 they're not a bad buy at all. 

  • Very good value, and a great slide wheel for someone just starting, but personally, I find them excruciatingly slow, especially with the inevitable flat patches that come with learning how to slide. They slide quite well though

  • i like these wheels for about $30 they are a fun wheel to either learn to slide on, do big slides, or just do some twirls. These wheels slide for days! you will slide if you precarve hard enough. 

  • compared to the white ez hawgs these are more buttery where the white ez hawgs are chalky and icy 

  • This thane goes, if you like this thane try the chubbies and supremes. Those shapes are fire.

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