
  • Shilling is a form of promotion that does not disclose it is promotion or having any indication that it is promotion.

    In our space that can be seen a few ways, the biggest of which is, some supliers in the industy will send free product, unanounced to the public product to someone, specificly with a expectation of direct promotion from the person. 

    There is often a blury line in the skate scene surrounding this with riders who are "flowed" gear, which may make is seem like a brand etc is more popular/well liked than it is.

    To help un-blur the lines with this site usage we require those in the industry to disclose their status.

  • Anti shilling comment- we have made the descision not going to sponsor anyone ever for their skating clout or abilities, outside of skate groups and events as well as publicly availible offers for tasks we may need done or whatever, but we did send Jezuz Cinco a shirt before this decsision. After communication on this he publicly said our site was confusing (we are still working on everything to get stuff perfect) and that the design we used is bad, and that we should hit him up to improve it (we will hit him up)- sick, glad he's honest love to see it.

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