Hard to find prism boards for sale right now?

  • My buddy was talking to me about how hard it is to find prism boards for sale right now. He wanted a Reaver and while I was trying to help him look around online for some I couldn't find any. I also noticed that the Trottra Pro isn't for sale either.

    Is Prism discontinuing these models? Are they going to release new decks soon?

  • I got a Theory in great condition I'd sell for a real good price. 

    Also my guess is that the company isn't able to spend much on a new run of boards as that's why we don't see any. If something doesn't happen for them soon they might end up selling the company or worse. All speculation hope it's not that bleak.

  • @Kurt Derow @Sam Diefenbacher I know they just made a big ol batch of theory's since I ordered a couple more to have in stock, I do not know about the other models. @Teplitzskate might know though.

  • @Sam Diefenbacher Which country? Longboard Living in Toronto has the Trotta for sale. But you're right, Prism boards are usually hard to find.

  • @Sam Diefenbacher @Kurt Derow @Antoine there should be some new stuff from them fairly soon and definitely some new stock of current stuff 👀

    We'll have a few Theories in stock real soon. Give us a couple weeks.

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