Ive never tried running the evo for ldp but to me it makes sense that it would work, currently my evo is set up like a og racing setup, if someone has a evo and wants to try it for ldp, let me know your findings would appreciate it
Ive never tried running the evo for ldp but to me it makes sense that it would work, currently my evo is set up like a og racing setup, if someone has a evo and wants to try it for ldp, let me know your findings would appreciate it
@Ruben Swanepoel my friend ran an Evo LDP setup which was honestly really good. He really compressed the back truck bushings (made it super tight to replicate a zero degree, to make it a really good pumper), 150 bears, and ran it with blue cagumas (he also had a separate evo setup where he ran plow kings in the front I think, or plow kings overall) but ran soft bushings front and hard bushings back
Then I tried/borrowed his Evo (nothing special, just soft bushing front, hard bushing backs) for a few months and I will say, THAT MF IS HEAVY TO PUSH UPHILL HAD ME GASSED AS HELL, I used 180 bears and orange cags tho so it wasn't ideal. I obviously couldn't replicate his pumping machine setup but I gave it back after I figured pumping wasn't my style (push n tuck babyyy)
But anyways they all use other drop down boards now like the supersonic or az zenit
But yeah I enjoyed the evo for LDP, I think it's pretty good for LDP, despite how heavy it is, but there certainly are better, lighter alternatives now in the market
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