My First DH Setup

  • Trucks: 

    158mm Caliber III

    50 Degrees in the front for stability

    44 in the back



    Purple 87a venom bushings in the front and green 93a venom bushing in the back 

    This is for a 205 pound human 


    Powell Peralta Snakes Skateboard Wheels 69mm 82A


    Zealous Ceramic

    Foot Stop: 

    Riptide: In-Side Footstop


    I have a Moonshine Proscito. It is no longer made. You want a very stiff board. No bounce. 

    And grippy grippy grip. 

    My First DH Setup

  • This looks pretty good overall, I really don't like the 82a snakes though. The 75a are fun, but the newer blue and yellow ones had a bad slick slide to me vs. The good slick slide of snakes. 


    I find carbon moonshine pretty rattly on anything but perfect pavement. Looks like the soft riser will help that. 

  • @Gabriel Fockler thanks for the feedback. As I get more runs in and gain some experience, we will hopefully see some wheel progression. 

    I have a set of 78mm Phat Boyz, but haven't tried them yet. 

  • @Adventures In Skateboarding  

    Almost anything is going to be better than the Powells

  • @Adventures In Skateboarding phat boys slide maybe ~1/2 the distance of those snakes, 

    Snakes can cause a lack of kickout progression with how slick they are so I do think its a little off that you find them grippy, but phat boys will give you lowside form.

    What other wheels have you riden?

  • @Matt Needs Wheels I didn't say I thought they were grippy. I have zero assessment to compare them to in DH. I haven't tried any other wheels yet. It is an honest first setup. 

    I have tried almost every wheel possible for street and bowl skating. However, DH is different to me. I owe more time on the board. I need to gain experience to gain a better understanding. 

  • @Brian Lugbill what don't you like about the Powell's? What would you recommend for a wheel to learn slides? 

    I went with the Snakes strictly to learn slides at lower speeds. 

  • @Adventures In Skateboarding  

    check out my Halal Wheels post in the wheels section for a full breakdown tho basically, seismic defcon or elixir, venom, s9 raceforms, cuei are some good choices 

  • @Adventures In Skateboarding this guy loves to say powells are bad and then post various old or extremely grippy wheels as alternatives. I would just ignore him. 

    His entire persona is based on talking about how he only rides grippy wheels and that he's gnarlier than everyone else. Go look through the comment history, it sucks. 

    Snakes are good for learning slides. In general, powell wheels slide very far and don't have much edge grip. This is fun for learning, but not ideal for skating extremely fast. It seems like you know this already, just wanted to confirm. 


  • @Adventures In Skateboarding snakes are great for learning to kick out.  As another 200lb human, I have no idea why you prefer to ride them.  I ice out waaaaay to easily on snakes. Bushings looks too soft for me too but idk your wheelbase.  Harder in the back for speeds might help, harder in the front too dont hurt.

    I'm on aeras tho it might be different.  Prolly dont need those risers.

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