Hate my setups

    Zenit Mini Marble fun cruiser, city slasher: 149 Paris tkp, hardcore street bushings soft front/ hard rear, Powell Primos, idk what grip maybe free from motion

    Chopped Acedia: 34" x 9.25" added a swallow tail, Aera P2 46/20 dewedge, chopped axles 134-144, 87 front/ 96 rear krank bushings, Powell Kevos, 3lb Sledge hammer, Slab footstop and some screws in the rear for towsides, lokton grip

    Chroma Polaris: Gold Rogues, stock bushings, spherical insert and small washer front, magnums, cored wheel footstop, torque block and leftover torque block for a front toe wedge, lokton grip

  • Your on the right path.
    Powells & Aeras could be upgraded tho 

  • @Brian Lugbill to what? Some magun style trucks? 

  • @Sk8bored 

    Rogue, Ronin, Zealous, Caliber

    Even Paris would be an upgrade 

  • @Brian Lugbill I think Kevin stole your girl lmao Idk anyone who hates on aera as much as you 

  • @Sk8bored 

    actually his name is Pao Duce 

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