@bobomatic1877 on Insta, Hudson Valley area. Prepare for an unnecessary amount of food, band and animal pics.
@bobomatic1877 on Insta, Hudson Valley area. Prepare for an unnecessary amount of food, band and animal pics.
@john_rson we skate big fast let's get it
Welcome to the forum. Thank you for being here. We've got some cool sh*t we want to hook you up with. Here's what we have available and what you gotta do to get it: HERE...
August 9th-11th Free Event! Organizer: Tim Cernanec(Shoreline_Boarder) FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/share/i7ugNjSkEA9JJPzo/ IG Page: https://www.instagram.com/kelleys_island_amazing_race?ut...
@Kurt Derow Bro, I shouldn't have watched this, I'm going to be wanting to skate all day and I have to work 😭😭😭.
I want to see what you guys think would be a good video featuring a local ripper in a neighborhood, corner sessioning, getting techy, having fun with it in easy access places that could be inspirat...
@lurqy on Insta / Halifax / Downhill, freeride, ldp/cruising
I think you might need a softer bushing setup, doesn't look like the board wants to turn. How long have you been skating?
@Teplitzskate Theyre based out of Poland. They got some nice freestyle decks and dancers as well. Also have some sort of ralation to Luca. Would def reccomend checking em out!
@Matt Needs Wheels smallest is 18.5" its now at 21". I learned on Powell wheels; the red krimes have a familiar kickout, but more feedback/brakes than their other formulas. I'm a self-admitted kook...
@Zach Maxon wait yes sorry I normally ride a truth. This is from shred skate, they are kinda bad quality but not for the low price. But for this deck style it's fine anyway.
@Zach Maxon I have a Madrid truth deck just below the longest wheel base
@Jenny Talia thank you! So getting different bushings should help loosen the front truck
@Gabriel Fockler ahh so much information thank you! I don't really understand but I'll try!! Appreciate your help
@bhr what was the smallest wb and what is it now? Also why the Krimes? Looks like a hardcore setup is there some knowledge I'm missing out on, I'm surprised you didn't spend money on somethin...
@Teplitzskate 124mm 51/19º 73/78a 93/97a tall HPF with flat washers. I have Seismic tall barrels in the same duro, still trying to dial in on what I prefer. I originally had this setup on...
What's your truck setup! That looks meta as hell.
Custom Rocket board I had made during their custom days sale. It is made in the Don mold, but has the shape/tail of a Rhino Racetail. Main difference from the stock Racetail is that this has forwar...
@danielj.lindsey / LDP / Dance & Freestyle / Social Push DC
Not gonna lie, I'd pick a different spot on the hill - having the manhole cover there would definitely get in my head, especially if I was learning. Don't feel too bad about falling on that slide!&...
Cal 3s are pretty solid trucks, even straight out of the box with the stock setup. You do have options with the cupped / flat bushing. I would recommend trying flat roadside and cupped boardside. I...
Give yourself another bit to pick up some more speed too, that'll help!