Post your social handle here, along with your general area, as well as your discipline (or what you're willing to do). You don't have to be precise, because we don't want people stalking you.
@teplitzskate / Los Angeles / Downhill, Freeride, Dancing, Freestyle, LDP / any reocuring events or groups you're in that others can join.
Follow people, set up a sesh, make friends. That's what this sport is about. Don't be antisocial. 😘
@Shoreline_Boarder / Cleveland Ohio / Downhill, Freeride, LDP, Racing
@UltimateFlash77 Cincinnati, Downhill, SocialPush
@Pats Risers / Cleveland Ohio / Downhill, Freeride, LDP, Racing, Luging
@xen0gear5 / Detroit, MI / Downhill and Freeride
my username is a zero not an "o"
@samdief | Cincinnati, OH | Downhill / Freeride, Casino 🎰
@matthew_johnson428 west Lafayette, in downhill/freeride, street/freestyle
Cincinnati, OH | Downhill, racing, freeride, ldp,
@justinschenchang; Wayne County, Michigan; Purdue Uni, IN; sometimes Taiwan, Taipei (summer) (primarily Dance/FS, LDP, minimally dabble in DH (no freeride :( )
@luluublu_enthusiast / NorthWest Indiana/Chicago / downhill and freeride
@Justin Chang oh cool dude I'm in Wayne county too! Sent you a PM
@timothy.trobridge / Indianapolis / Downhill, Freeride, Dancing, Freestyle, LDP / anything local.
For all of my Ohio homies! Super fun, chill ldp event coming up!
@phscmedia / Detroit / Downhill, Freeride, Dancing, Freestyle, LDP, Social Push
Shoutout to all the homies on here already
For any of you Michiganders or Ohioans, Social Push Detrioit meets every Thursday in the evenings. Ryan, a member of the forums here and an overall good human, started it up a few months ago and it's been a blast! Just very, very low participation so we'd love to see some more peeps showing up
Search up Detroit Longboarding on FB or Social Push Detroit on Instagram for details of the meetups
@max.imillionare on insta. I'm inbetween Houston, Purdue University, and northwest Indiana a lot. I do DH, Freeride, LDP, Cruising
@max.amiliano on insta, North Indiana by Norte Dame, but i want to check out West Lafayette as well. Mainly downhill and freeride but i'll do anything on a board
Indiana about 25 mile north of Indy
Mostly long distance push, some very mild downhill
Not on social media