Long Distance Skating Kits

  • Dang, first topic in the LDP area! I thought someone would have beaten me to it. 

    Something I've been working on refining has been my distance kit. I look at LDP like trail running, and I like to have a pretty refined set of gear for going out on skates that are over 10 miles or so. So far, my kit conists of my setup, safety gear, wearables, and nutrition/hydration. Here's what I've been using lately, and it's been working really well!


    Pantheon Supersonic XL / Paris 150mm 50-43 split / Riptide Bushings / Cloud Ride Hurricanes 90mm 78A / Bearings of some sort

    The Supersonic is one hundred percent my go to now. I was using a Wiggler as a bracket setup, but I'm just too heavy to make it work well. I scraped a LOT. I'll probably be swapping out the Hurricanes for some Karmas, pretty soon.

    Safety Gear
    I'm wearing an Outdoor Master cycling helmet. It has plenty of ventilation, and fits really well. I also rock a reflective running vest on early mornings / late nights. People drive like shit in my neighborhood and I don't want to die. I also carry a pair of slide gloves, but I pretty much never wear them.

    I've got a marathon vest for rides under 15 miles that'll hold a 2 liter bladder, and a larger trail running vest that's got 7 liters of storage on the back for longer rides. These have been a lifesaver. Both have plenty of pockets for nutrition, phone, wallet, keys, etc. If I'm really pushing it, or I'm going somewhere unfamiliar, I wear an Osprey cycling pack. It's about 20 liters, I think, and it allows me to pack a bit more food, water, an extra pair of socks, and a jacket.

    I carry a knee brace, because I've got a pretty bum knee thanks to an old injury. I don't wear it unless it gets tweaked, but it is a wearable, so I'm including it here.

    I've been using Xero barefoot shoes for the last 100 miles or so, and they're fantastic! Shirts/shorts are always something that wicks sweat. I prefer sun hoodies but short sleeve shirts work, too.

    I think this is largely an individual thing, but I figured I'd share what's been working for me. I pop a Nuun electrolyte tab into 16oz of water before I skate. This typically works really well for me, and helps with hydration. For any distance under 15 miles, I carry about 2 liters of water. Over 15 miles, I carry 4 to 6 liters of water, depending on where I'm skating. The longer trails around me are pretty rural / remote, with no water available, so I have to carry about as much as I can (this is where the 20 liter pack really comes into play).

    Nutrition is tricky. I like Jelly Belly Sport Beans, which most people probably don't really like, haha. I like to bring some jerky, too, for salt and protein. Clif Bars are always good, too! If I'm planning on stopping for lunch, I'll bring some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or some wraps, too. I also like to have caffeine with me, so I'll occasionally bring some preworkout in a little baggy, or a Celsius.


    That's where I'm at so far. I'm skating Ladiga this summer, so I've got about a month to really dial things in further, which I'm looking forward to. Should be easy, since I'm shooting for the 400km tier in the IDSA's May Warmup Challenge.

    What are you guys doing for your distance kits? Always interested in what everyone else is carrying or riding!

  • Cool thanks for sharing. I'll definitly refer to this if and when I need ldp tips.

  • @Kurt Derow of course! Take it all with a grain of salt, this is my first year really taking LDP seriously so everything is still evolving, haha. I will say that I've done about 200km for the IDSA May Warmup Challenge so far though, and the kit is definitely working out well!

  • @Zach Maxon ooooo I'll be sure to look out for you during the LTDL. I'm really looking forward to what the IDSA is cooking up this year, after all, I'm helping them out this year. I'm trying to get more seriously into LDP this year as well, but I've found that I don't need that much gear and like to travel light. 

  • @Justin Chang what's the LTDL?? I just joined the IDSA, so I've got no idea what they've got going on in general, other than Ladiga and Ultraskate.

    I thought I was going to start slow when it comes to LDP, but "distance brain" kicks in when I go to skate. I'll think to myself, "Well, 6 miles is pretty close to 10, might as well do that... Well, 10 is only a couple laps away from a half marathon... If I'm doing a half marathon I can knock out 15 miles..." And it  just keeps going like that, hahaha. So I always travel a little heavier than I should.

  • @Zach Maxon muahahaha I get to introduce to you to the best online LDP competition. LTDL are for IDSA members to compete and consists of beginners to top tier LDPers like Cori Wolff or Adam Ornelles, Leonard Lee (these are just my favorites lol). Within the summer months, they will issue challenges for 10km, then 20km, 40km and 100km, within the fastest time and pace. During the end, there will be a team competition, where you compete for overall best distance. Participating within LTDL or sometimes just being an IDSA member, gives you the chance to win top tier LDP prizes, (raffle style) in which previous items such as the loaded fathom, 88 wheel co boas, brackets, ldp fork, etc. it's also a great way to get connected, and network with the LDP community, especially the top athletes. IDSA is non-profit, and is run by dedicated people putting their time and sometimes own money into them. Check them out!

    I love it because it shows the insanity and disparity of pro LDPets. U can check out the results here: https://www.webscorer.com/SkateIDSA

  • Rad! I am part of the IDSA already, so I'm really looking forward to these competitions. For the May Warmup Challenge I've done almost 300km already (might hit that today, but we'll see). I'm not all that fast at this point, but getting faster! My average speed is normally around 11mph, give or take. I'm doing the Ladiga this year, too. I am super into it, and ready to get "competitive" haha! The Team Challenge is what actually got me interested in being part of the IDSA to begin with.

  • That was a good read, thanks for posting it!

    I'll chuck my setup here too for feedback. I've been casually skating distance since mid covid, and taking it seriously for about a year. I skate 20 or so k's to work a few times a week, with longer social skates usually around 40 k's mixed in (all less common now that winter's back) 

    Setup: I've got an Antidote Hurricane with a TTX, Karmas and a SSSkates Drop Fork 2/Hybrid Rojas front.

    Nutrition: skating 20 k's I'll bring a water bottle and a banana, if it's a 40+k skate I'll bring some lollies and jerky too.

    Clothes: just sorta shorts and a shirt. Even on cold days the jumper comes off in about 5 k's and then I have to carry it with me so I just pack light to begin with.

    I bring a messenger back with me to carry anything. 

    Shoes are just some Nike skate shoes with brake soles. I want to try some more comfortable shoes but I rely so heavily on foot braking because I don't want to slide the TTX.

    Changes: I want a more robust rear and a lighter front bracket. I've drawn some up and I'm thinking about getting them laser cut but we'll see what happens. 
    Some big slidey wheels would be nice, any recommendations would be sick. I love my karmas but don't want to shred them. I've slid my speed vents but they honk like crazy and don't feel amazing. Interested to see Powell's new big race wheel. 

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