Switch Meerkat

  • By far the best dance/freestyle board currently on the market.

    The pop is absolutely insane, and incomparable. Everytime I've had a Grom or person ask me to dance, I make them compare the pop. The kicktails feel so easy and responsive, it's a dream. 

    I personally like it, but the only grievance I've heard is that some people don't like the concave, but I feel this makes it easier to lock in slides, overall stability, and Peter pan's. It also provides a good hook for kick or heel flips. 

    Sure the price may be scary, but think about about free intl shipping (well to the us), and the fact that the polyurethane side rails and tails will last you longer than any other polyurethane or wooden dance board. 

    I already had one, but the next dance freestyle board I buy is 1000% going to be switch. 


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