Discontinued gear

  • What's something from back in the day you wish was still around?

    I would do some heinous things to have an Omen Sugar setup with gunmetals and tracers

  • @Josh Gaudon Ojoom pucks. If anyone can get me in contact with the guy/girl that made em I'd be so happy.

  • @Josh Gaudon the Sector 9 Downhill Division line as a whole. Especially what we commonly refer to as the " Lady boards" aka the Daisy, Tiffany, Lacey, Brandy, etc. There were fiberglass and maple variants, a few generations got more flexy while others defined the race shapes and construction we know and love today. 

    Valhalla Skateboards - Alex Ameen was a literal mastermind bringing Valhalla to fruition. Looking past the occult facade that Valhalla presented, Alex set the standard for what we look for in new age boards and media today. Alex basically invented the idea of follow-car film for downhill, and produced the 1 piece of media that every downhill video is compared to: "Kings of the Mud." 

  • I would love to see a modern update of the downhill division decks. Also duck pucks. 

  • Phat Deanz. All of it. 

  • @Gabriel Fockler Dude, I never even skated their pucks, but your making me miss em still. Their gram went hard. Post below. 

  • Black Lab Slide Pucks and venom Tweakers. Also, precision calibers in wide versions and Bear Grizzlies.

  • Push Culture Pants and sweaters

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