San Diego Local Skate Collective- Edge Crew Skate Collective

  • Hey all my name is Aaron, I started a skate collective with a bunch of my friends in San Diego! If you want to come through or see what/where the sessions are find us on instagram at @edge_crew_skate_collective.

    We have a weekly cruise down the boardwalk on tues nights, a weekly Wednesday night session for downhill, and a bi-weekly night cruise on Fridays!


    Shoot us a message on there if you have any questions.

  • America's finest skate crew in America's finest city 👌 

  • @Aaron Plvan you guys accepting of middle aged dads in your group?  I'm limited on time but and wouldn't  want to stink up your vibe!   

  • We definitely do. Check out the ig page. We do cruises at ucsd every other week (split into beginners and advanced groups with different routes). Also weekly alva sessions 

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