This got much more traction than I thought it would! I appreciate all of the answers and the feedback, for sure. @Chris Ramge and @Matt Needs Wheels thanks for the insight! Matt, if I could afford Savants I'd get them, haha. @Tyson Jennings good looking out on the bushing info - I wouldn't have known that about Rogues, and if I get them I'll be a bit better prepared now.
@Bobomatic I'm not too worried about buying asym bases so much, because I have a ton of wedges thanks to LDP being my main discipline. I remember enjoying riding symmmetrical setups, so I'm defintiely going to give it a go and play with wedging/dewedging if I really need to. As for the Bears, I'm not too big a fan of them. I've tried them in the past and just couldn't dial them the way that I wanted to (same could be said of the Aeons I'm loving right now on another board, though).
@Gabriel Fockler I'd consider Zealous if I were going to be skating faster in any sort of a serious manner, and if I could afford them! What's your issue with Calibers? I'm riding Paris 150s on my Supersonic and I like them so far, but I remember them being super squirrely back in the day on pretty much any topmount setup.
@Chris Wroblewski I'm definitely not too concerned with asym, either. I never did it back in the day, on any length wheelbase, haha! I don't mind struggling at first either, thankfully. I appreciate the vote of confidence! I will definitely get some clips once I get it all assembled, though they won't be massively impressive haha