Peep my rigs 👀

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    Meat bicycle meat grinder 8.625x32.5 Dont trip mollys 45°/25° fixed plates 125-143mm 81/85 95/93 sphericals all around w/ 21" axel to axel WB. Apex prototyping alfred torque block, riptide slab, and skatech 6mm toe wedge. Just replaced my rhino with this deck. Love it so far. Put the 3lb weight on but havent gotten to ride it with the weight yet. Usually run kevos on this.

    Verge soul surfer 9.5x36 Paris savants 165mm 45/30 (boardnamics baseplates 48/33 dewedges 3° each) 87/90 93/95 with pats inserts and riptide pivots (usually run hpf but been trying riptide kranks cannon and magnums) 25.5 axel to axel wb. Riptide mini O/F footstop. Got an owen campbell and me collab concave implant in the back. Usually run round lips on this setup. What an amazing freeride board. Insanely confidence inspiring.

    custom zenit bullet mini egg shape 8ply with lots of carbon 9.25x30.5 (this things stiff as a rock, no flex whatsoever in any direction) zealous v1 trucks 52°/20° (no flush mounts) 111-124mm 73/78 95/93 w/ riptide pivots. 22.5" axel to axel. Got a skatetech goofy toque block setup regular for no monkey toeing. Riptide slab and skatech 8mm toe wedge. Always run square lip race wheels on this thing and occasionally green kevs. This is my #1 and i use it for everything fast and hands down riding. Totally freeridable too because of the zealous although its a little tall and tippy because of the high ride hieght from the thiq deck and no flush mounts.

    lokton on all my rigs!

    Thanks for letting me nerd out if you read all this jargon 😂🫶🏼 which would you ride?

  • Dig everything about these except for the don't trips. I have yet to try a set of those that could actually turn. 

    I'm picking the verge setup, personally. I would maybe slide that footstop a little more towards the nose, but that looks like a very fun build!

  • @Gabriel Fockler people that say dont trips dont turn either go along with the saying and have never actually ridden them, or dont know how to set them up. Id give them a try, i know a lot of good riders that use mollys specifically. Theyre super lively with the sphericals and short wheelbase, that makes the low rake and bushing seats shine imo.

  • @Jon LaPlant totally second the spherical bearing recommendation. I've only skated DH-Cybins and once I got the spherical, it really opened things up.

  • Love the Molly setup. I love mine and think they turn fine. (Using the sphericals too, which DT sends even with closeout purchases)

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