If you've ever ridden valks you'll know that they are known for their infinite amount of lean. I found this very annoying so with the help of @Owen Campbell we cooked up a bushing setup that makes narrow valks feel good.
I'm currently riding the gen 2 valks with 130-140mm hangers. My truck angles are 45 degrees in the front truck and 40 on the back truck.
The front truck I'm using a seismic tall 90a barrel with a cup washer roadside. Boardside I'm using a 90a Riptide Krank tall fat cone. I'll likely replace the roadside bushing with a 90a krank, but I don't have one right now. The real lean stopper comes from the boardside tall krank cone. This takes enough lean out of the truck so that your slides feel stable and locked in.

On my rear truck I'm using a 93a krank barrel roadside with a cup washer, and a 93a riptide krank tall cone boardside. Again, the secret here is using a krank tall cone to get rid of some of that crazy lean these trucks have and help the trucks feel more stable when doing freeride.

That's pretty much it! if you're unhappy with the lean of your valks, try out some of the riptide fat cones boardside on your trucks, it really helped mine out a lot.
Very interesting. Did you up the duro? I think of cones as better for more lean.
Edit: Fat cones have more meat on em than barrels.
@Matt Needs Wheels these look like fat cones to me, not the tiny smaller than barrel cones of longboard trucks from 2010s carving.
Yup, using the tall fat cones
@Gabriel Fockler @Sam Diefenbacher Understood, but still a little confused on how any sort of cone shape would be less leany, unless it's higher duro.
@Matt Needs Wheels The fat part of the cone is wider than a normal barrel. There's more urethane on the bushing, so it gets harder to turn at the end of the turning range.
@Gabriel Fockler Oh shit, new to me tech. I generally just go barrel since I was told "just do barrels bro don't worry bout that other stuff" by many ppl much better than me. I see how makes sense now as opposed to regularly mounted cones that have less material than barrels. Without a closer look pics just looked like barrels too so I was extra confused.
@Matt Needs Wheels yeah I am a barrels only man, but that's because I like the deeper lean. Fat cone bottom is pretty common in dh/freeride, and there are some bushings even fatter than fat cones (kegs/chubbies).
I like lean so I just do double barrel, but in valks I would consider this fat cone + barrel combo.
@Gabriel Fockler Kids these days man (I'm stuck in 2015)
Valks lean is like water being wet. The build and coplaner bushing seats are meant to articulate much farther than and normal rkp and at an offset which imo creates a "drift truck" more than a grip and rip truck. The valks always felt like they were just one nudge away from sliding out. It's just their nature. If you want a truck that doesn't have an infinite lean then your better off with something different. I'd say Rojas but those just have a different type of lean which makes them feel best when sideways. If I were you I'd shoot for the zm1's. They'll have a very on rails feeling that is mostly turn instead of lean and that spherical bearing should keep things from getting squirreley. Also ronins when tuned right feel incredible. Just the right balance of turn to lean.