Halal Wheels

  • I am the Offical Certifer that decides if DH/Freeride Wheels are Halal or Haram

    while initially, the list may be small, eventually if you want the Offical Policy on your wheels, this is where you come. 

    Halal Wheels: Seismic DEFCON & Elixir, Ceui, otang, Venom, AHMYO, S9 Race Formula 

    Haram: Abec 11, Blood Orange, Powell, Arbor, Cloud Ride, Hawgz, Seismic Black ops & 3dm formula, Rayne, Amazon/Ebay mids

    if It's unmentioned, probably haven't tried or have an opinion on 

  • What's the criteria to decide which is which? 

  • @F Llabata 

    Haram is Harmful 

    Halal is good for the Heart

    ,  thanks for question 

  • Remind me again who asked, my wheels don't need to blessed by a rabi. -20 points for slytherin

  • Halal Wheels are better for your Health. 
    There is always a debate, about which wheels are best, so I've decided to make it easy for people to know which wheels are Haram and Halal. 
    thanks 4 input 

  • First things first blood orange Morgan's are very grippy compared any Powell wheels. Sector 9 race forms are more slidey then any blood orange Morgan, so this list is wrong. Also tried defcon speedvents and iced out first go after skating hawgs. Idk if this is approved brands by you but a lot of these wheels share no similarities or even grip level. Maybe you should just say "wheels I like" & "wheels I don't like". Also I'd way rather ice out then chatter of my board cough otang cough cuei (unless you buy spacers) cough

  • @Logan Neikirk 

    list has some updates.. 

    in general, most companies don't put out a good product for some reason or another, they are sort of unique in the ways they suck 

  • Wait, why is Abec11 bad?

  • This guy is dumb as dirt and won't answer any questions. He's just talking into the void, feel free to value his opinions or not. 

  • @Eric Sparrow 

    reflex has a bad slide to it & classic formula is kinda slow & wears poorly 

  • @Gabriel Fockler 

    I don't know you 

  • @Brian Lugbill

    reflex has a bad slide to it & classic formula is kinda slow & wears poorly  

     Reflex wasn't ever designed to be a slide formula, that was always their grip/race formula - specifically for slalom racing, though adapted to downhill.  Classic is a relic, I'll give ya that one - developed in a VERY different longboard market than 2025.  Or, the window of time between Frank Nasworthy developing the urethane skateboard wheel and classic formula debuting is almost (within 5 years) the same window of time between when classic formula debuted and *now*

  • @Eric Sparrow 

    I'm not sure how it works at Abec 11 but I know when I talked with the owner of Seismic he said that they are always tweaking the formulas a little bit. 
    Yah it's the same thing with the Black Ops thane. Developed for Grip and Slalom tho the slide is not very good. Tho black ops it's a bit of formula of the past. Before defcon was released them I remember when all the Seismic riders switched to DEFCON formula at Kosakov, and everybody dropped at least 3 seconds off times even while sliding more. I feel like also back in the early DH days a lot of people rode reflex because they didn't know any better. I thought they looked cool and like bubble gum kinda like a cool aesthetic to them so I remember buying a set of lime bigzigs back in the late 2000's. But yah Abec 11 I don't think has evolved much to stay relevant. 

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