Happy board co thunder v2, Zealous v1s 111-124, front 73/77 back 93/97, Zealous bearings and at the moment 88 wheelco mcflys. I do a mix of skating on it freeriding, ane downhill, depending on my wheels. Will take any suggestions
Happy board co thunder v2, Zealous v1s 111-124, front 73/77 back 93/97, Zealous bearings and at the moment 88 wheelco mcflys. I do a mix of skating on it freeriding, ane downhill, depending on my wheels. Will take any suggestions
Suggestion: Using back foot weight to initiate will always have you pendying, I see no back foot kick out, use some of your freeride wheels to lock in a better kick out.
I just work here man (wrongboarding)
It looks like you stand way too far forward (over the truck), at least for my preference. Your foot seems to be covering all four bolts and most of it is probably in front of the axle. Idk how people are able to skate like this.
Other than that it's a great setup, I would just make the wheel base longer in the front (or move the footstop back).
Prague TownHill Crew
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