With the new Savants out thought It'd be appropriate to share this little project I did last week. I molded epoxy putty around a Paris pivot cup in my Randal 35* plate. Now I have a perfectly aligned 35* Paris plate with no need to retape the cup when it needs to be swapped.
Anyone else done something like this? I've only read about people taping their cups before, so I thought I'd share an alternate method. It comes out much nicer than taping the cup, IMO.

cool innovating; I would have concern when in use that the jbweld/epoxy might eventually crumble from tensile stress?
That seems pretty jank. Has riptide made a pivot cup for this? Probably not, i haven't seen someone ride prandals since 2008.
@Gabriel Fockler got 2008 paris, will a 35 work with em/ whats needed.
@Gabriel Fockler more jank than duct tape? That's the only alternative I've ever seen, and there's no Randal-to-Paris riptide cup. This way is permanent and I can control the exact position of the pivot cup relative to the hanger and baseplate.
Prandals rule.
@Jefe W I'll skate it for a while and see how it holds up. DM me later if you want to know.
@John Hower ok but if youre on nice trucks, jank ruins the point of the niceness of the trucks