mitty pro: 19.2 wb, 47.5/20 ronin w venom 85/85 95keg/95
apex prototyping toe implants, rayne footstop, darkmatter
tortuga: 20 wb, 52/18 valk w flipped 90a krank tallfatcone 96a krank tallchubby/97a hardcore
Owen's footstop, vicious
mitty pro: 19.2 wb, 47.5/20 ronin w venom 85/85 95keg/95
apex prototyping toe implants, rayne footstop, darkmatter
tortuga: 20 wb, 52/18 valk w flipped 90a krank tallfatcone 96a krank tallchubby/97a hardcore
Owen's footstop, vicious
Main issue here is the decks. Pantheons quality is abysmal & for safety reasons it's best to just completely avoid their products
We smokin wheels
Official Halal Wheels certification
I'm surprised the ronin venom bushings arent harder. Kinda sick setups tbh
@Brian Lugbill you must be high or something
@Nathan Godwin he's running a keg so it should be very stable in the back
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