Pantheon Hiller
Zealous Wide 133-146mm
54° front 24° rear
Stock bushings
Blank Wheel Co
Banana Milkshake footstop
Pantheon Hiller
Zealous Wide 133-146mm
54° front 24° rear
Stock bushings
Blank Wheel Co
Banana Milkshake footstop
@KoppraschKing555 sick 5 wheeler
This thing has to have the worst side profile of all time. I'm sure it rides fine if you have a tiny stance, but i don't like how it rides either.
Wheel footstop is core.
What do you think of the wide zealous? Can you compare to the skinny ones?
Current setups:
Custom rhino racetail, Zealous,thaners
Rayne bromance, aera k5, powells
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