A buddy of mine was riding a hill in SoCal when the skater behind called out "Left!", obviously intending to pass

  • The skater behind was trying to pass on the left.

    My buddy had a Broken Brain Moment and swerved left, since that's what the skater behind said.

    They crashed.

    Maybe one day he will join this forum and see this post.

  • @Peder HS We need to formalize something on this skate scene wide. Same with other safety stuff. Imo.

  • Haven't done any DH in a long time, but even when I'm doing LDP on paved trails or streets, I find myself shouting "Passing on your _____" because a lot of people (cyclists, pedestrians, other skaters) move in the direction you call out. Not as efficient in terms of language, but it works out okay in most instances. I agree with @Matt Needs Wheels for sure, there needs to be some sort of standard for things like this.

  • On bikes in our local greenway when we pass we say "on your left/right" most of the time it works, but broken brain moments and all.

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