The skater behind was trying to pass on the left.
My buddy had a Broken Brain Moment and swerved left, since that's what the skater behind said.
They crashed.
Maybe one day he will join this forum and see this post.
The skater behind was trying to pass on the left.
My buddy had a Broken Brain Moment and swerved left, since that's what the skater behind said.
They crashed.
Maybe one day he will join this forum and see this post.
@Peder HS We need to formalize something on this skate scene wide. Same with other safety stuff. Imo.
Haven't done any DH in a long time, but even when I'm doing LDP on paved trails or streets, I find myself shouting "Passing on your _____" because a lot of people (cyclists, pedestrians, other skaters) move in the direction you call out. Not as efficient in terms of language, but it works out okay in most instances. I agree with @Matt Needs Wheels for sure, there needs to be some sort of standard for things like this.
On bikes in our local greenway when we pass we say "on your left/right" most of the time it works, but broken brain moments and all.
I don't bother with left / right... because half the time i get them mixed up anyways.
I just use: "hold your line" and I will navigate around them
"don't f-xk up my line!" when they just need to get out of the way.
I usually shout something like "overtaking" or "I'm coming" while clapping my pucks and inmediately after I use my whole arm to point the line i'll be taking, since almost everyone will turn around for a split second when hearing pucks. If the overtake is inevitably going to happen in a corner I usually shout "Inside" or "Outside", and pray to take the oposite line lol 😂 😂 😂.
It works pretty well, I've only had overtaking crashes with rollers lol.
Clacking pucks like you're trying to cause a diesel combustion between them while vein-bulge screaming ," ON YOUR LEFT/RIGHT SIDE!" as if your life depends on it works most times. Otherwise, you gettin an unexpected
@Jefe W "An unexpected" hahahhaha. I´ve seen some people talking about using bells on our wrists too, I think I´ve seen some big skater use them already, maybe Adrien Paynel but I´m not too sure.
I´ts suposed to be a bit more practical and faster to use than claping the pucks... maybe it´s a good idea to push this trend.
@F Llabata i use to have a little bell i wore for 'alerting'( annoying my crew) on my slideglove strap 2 or 3 yrs ago; it got rubbed-off on a ballin' Pro-pendy thrown on a hairpin along GRC 😅
@Jefe W The annoying potential is indeed very high hahahhaa
I mean if it makes sense, bump the rider in front of you foward, or clap pucks. Yelling doesn't make sense imo
Skating with the homies ill just yell, "PASSING!" and then theyll go straight and chill. Do not include directions because that can confuse people. Let the passers clap/tap you/ nudge you softly/, to let them pass. (hot take incoming) IF YOU NEED TO SLOW DOWN FOR THEM TO PASS, THEN THEY SHOULDNT BE PASSING YOU, unless you were planning for them to pass already. Like a filmer situation or youre slowing to repack with the homies behind you. If someone doesnt have the ability to gain speed to pass you, you shouldnt have to slow down or take a bad line just because they cant pass you when youre chill riding and giving them the chance to pass.
I know that seems rediculous but that happened to me at Tepe once, like dude then build up the speed to pass me, but he just kept yelling, "yo passing!" like "ok mf then pass me! Im not about to slow down for you tf?"
@Tim Cernanec i've been amongst similar , lmao; shid get's weird out n in there sometimes. Talking TOO much is a problem potentially & can stupify a fellow rider in pack -just long-enough- to turn a small glitch into a calamity in a flash. I can totally envision what Tim is talking about there w " Yo, I am overtaking you..." but they never atually overtake and why tf you gonna slow down unless pre-arranged?