Ideal freeride wheels?

  • For freeriding, what do y'all like in a wheel and why? If there is a wheel you wished existed but doesn't what would that wheel look and feel like?

  • Banana peels but wider/even bigger. 

  • @Gabriel Fockler Few people brought up square lip version of peels/snake thane locally 👀

  • Ngl green kevos are amazing, I like slippery wheels with square lips

  • Thane bc it's cool // Sector 9 slick shoes with a snake core

  • @@bobby4900k I see its a cheat wheel of old, but I've never riden it, what's it like?

  • I can get down with just about anything that doesn't dig in a lot. Hated butterballs, loving divine street slayers. Orange happy thane almost always slaps.

  • The purple Krimes check all the boxes except 1. Getting through the skin proved tough. I always jump at other people's scrubs

  • What I know has good reputation are ez hawgs, but I like the remember wheels, although I'm barely getting started with freeride. 

  • @Justin Chang They feel kinda the same, exept I'd say ez hawgs are even more slidey iirc. Starter level slow- very high ranking from what I hear.

    I wouldn't take them at any high rate of speed, very icy and fast dont mix.


    What do you like about your wheels? And which are they specificly?

  • 81a drifts are the most consistent and intuitive round lips I've ever used. 

  • For me, I love consistency. Some wheels are extremely temperature dependent which can make kick outs and hookups spooky. I prefer a more in the pavement feel rather than on top just for general feel. Drifts are great! I also liked the nine balls for some thaney freeride wheels to mess around on.

  • @@bobby4900k i actually have a fresh set of slick shoes, super stoked on riding them! i owned a set back in 2014 and they were fun

  • my favorite wheel of all time is probably the sector 9 marshmallows, they don't thane but they slide like literal butter. I was able to consistently slide in switch and throw seamless 360s. Sector 9 please bring them back!

  • @Matt Needs Wheels I can't believe nobody has mentioned the venom sideshows in this thread. They have become my go to for just about anything. They are pretty slippy when they are fresh and are super fun to slide. Once you wear them to a more square lip shape, they become pretty grippy, but still slide for a while. I like them because I can get grip out of them to take corner and sweepers faster, but still get that freeride wheel feel. They are also very consistent across pavement types and speeds. I have skated 50+ cunder runs in Colorado, perfect pave neighborhood straights and everything in between on these things and they have been almost completely consistent. Only downsides in my opinion are they wear a bit fast, so rotating regularly is a must. And they have a bit more grip when they are cold, so you have to do a couple of slides to warm them up if you are skateing in the cold. When it is warm I don't notice the need to warm them up. 

  • I'm loving purple Krimes right now

  • I'm rocking yellow 4presidents

  • I'm grabbing two more sets of blank checks whenever I can next. Perfect slides every time!

  • Pretty sure my message got across to Christian because I yap to em about these wheels every shesh 🤣 but I definitely prefer venom sideshows over most other freeride wheels for most confusions. 65mm if I'm feeling slidey, 70mm if I'm looking for a little more grip and breaks.

  • Honestly ya can't go wrong with a sharp lipped slidey af wheel about 72-76 mm. Purp kevos, 72 mm cannibals, 4 prezes are pretty optimal.

  • Does the old adage "if you can ride it, you can slide it" still apply?

  • @Kurt Derow 4 prez kind of foul tbh. Very old tech that needs an update 

  • @Eric Sparrow Gear is marketed a little better now imo, but that adage F'ed me up so much learinging to DH, I spent maybe a year with either incredebly lowside, high angle form or just highsiding imediatly on some sets of cruiser wheels that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole now.  

  • Blood Orange Drifts;

    hands down my go to wheel for freeride. 81a and 78a cause flavors are sweet. 81a for all round freeride, 78a if you want to go a bit faster or stop a little harder

    Bangers would be a close second, really similar feel but a bit more sugary and on the pave like a snake. Drifts would definitely be more in the pave

    lastly any thaners cause dumping lines is sick:


    9balls/top shelves

    freewheel co (rip for now) 

    some cloud ride wheels for easy fun seshes



    Faster freeride, I love kevos, being that they slide like a round lip formula but you can control that snap and edge a bit better with square lips. 

  • peels easily, great wheel and consistent slide behavior, would love to see some bigger peels 

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