Blood orange drifts.

  • I was given a second hand set of drifts and tried em out today, kick out felt easy but the hook up was pretty intense. What are some of your thoughts on these?

  • I like these when it's 70* or more. In the cold that edge kind of bites. They also don't wear amazingly due to that outer edge getting really sharp. 


    I enjoy them but wouldn't buy at retail price. The blem boxes are great if you like the wheel, but $75 retail is smoking crack. I give them 3.5/5 overall. 5/5 on a hot day with good pavement. 

  • @Gabriel Fockler  *Joking* Just say you're broke, you can't put a price on quality, plus real skaters only skate the top 3 mm then toss wheels. 

  • Hope you really are joking haha

  • @Alex Campos Your hopes and dreams are a reality. 

  • I like the drifts.   They have a lil more grip then snakes.  Obviously gotta compare them to the gold standard.   Even though they get a lil edgy when they get small, the urethane can still slide well over most pavement.   78a red thanes the hardest

  • Probably my go to wheel currently, I'm not a huge Powell person like the meta. 
    I've found these wheels to essentially be the new era Morgan. More in the pace feel than the competitors, still leaves a decent set of lines depending on the temp and pave. Found them to be very consistent over all types of pavement. I've been loving the 81a for more relaxed riding around my local day to day spots. Have not skated the 78a but would aprobably urilize them on hotter days or faster rides. 
    been riding them for roughly 2 months now at a 2 day freeride event and Multiple seshes at my local with friends and can still read the specs on the wheel. Say what you want about the price point but these wheels are the shit. 
    for added info I would say the banger is a cheaper more snake like wheel in comparison. 

    (The comparison wheel I've been riding is paster snakes and I find them to change dramatically depending on the pave and temp)

  • @Nate Blackburn said it perfectly. I like the drifts because I find snakes to be a bit too icy for my liking on certain pavement. They do get pretty bitey when they wear down. But fresh out of the package they slide so smooth and consistently. 

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